How to get extra money from home

 How to get extra money from home

how to get extra money from home

There are many ways to earn extra money from home and investment is not required for most. Some are more elaborate, others can be easier money or fast money, and others with more patience. We review ideas to generate extra income given the need and difficulty of finding a job. 

These ways of making money have been used by different people at certain stages of their life, and the vast majority can be started without investment or with very little money.

We remind you that in another article we also gave some ideas to earn money online, Say first of all that anyone today can make an extra income from the comfort of their home. 

Of course, we cannot start with the wrong expectations thinking that it will be a lot of money and also quickly, because the most profitable ways to do it, without a doubt are a process that will require a lot of perseverance.

However, if you have a very defined talent, it is very likely that you can offer what you know how to do and start making money from the first moment. Even over time, some of these ways of making money could become your main income or a high percentage of your recurring income. We begin.

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How can you make extra money from home?

1. Make money selling your own crafts.

It may seem somewhat complicated when thinking about this way to earn money, but the truth is that if you are good at making some type of attractive crafts for the client, this idea can be very profitable. We take as an example the girl who began to make personalized figures for babies from her own home and began to advertise them through Facebook, and today it has become her main business. We are talking about BUBU Children's Decoration.

Other people manage to make money with other types of crafts or by selling all kinds of handmade or homemade products, such as hats or wool gloves, etc.

Without a doubt, it is a way to create a small business and earn money from home. If the demand grows over time, you will be on your way to having a decent company.

2. Paid surveys.

Although with this way of earning money you are not going to get rich far from it, the truth is that it can be very useful for those people who in principle do not know very well what they want or can do. It's a quick and easy way to make money, but it won't be a lot of money. There are surveys for which they pay 0.50 cents, in another 5 euros and in some they even pay up to 15 euros, but as we said, it will not be easy, because those surveys for which they usually pay a decent amount of money usually require a lot of weather.

Then we would have that not all companies that offer to earn money with surveys are to be trusted. That is why in an article we collected 3 companies that we know that at least formally pay users for conducting surveys.

3. Earn money from home as a Freelancer at TrabajoFreelance

By registering on this page, you can earn money by developing designs, logos, web positioning, equipment repair, etc One of the pages of micro-job offers or freelance jobs in Spain is Search in your country for these types of pages, and if there isn't, then you already have an excellent business idea (create it).

4. Private classes.

Both in-person and online, today, if you have specific knowledge and on the other side a person (or student) who needs it, there you have an excellent opportunity to earn extra money. And now thanks to technological advances you can even have your own private group classes, wherewith the Google+ Hangout you can have more than 10 students connected. The price is up to you.

5. Purchase and sale of second-hand items.

Some people visit thrift stores looking for undervalued products and with the possibility of selling them at a higher price on eBay. Others directly buy things at nominal prices to sell on the internet. If you also have the technical knowledge, as is the case with Juan de Granada, if a scanner or printer breaks down, it is usually more expensive to fix it than to buy another, so he makes money buying that old scanner or printer damaged for 1 or 2 euros, repairs it and puts it up for sale.

6 Small Business Ideas for Young Entrepreneurs.

6. Write a book.

 Today you can self-publish your book. And there are several ways to do this: You can write one or more short books and publish them on Kindle. Self-publish your book and sell it on your own website.

You can also partner with platforms and sell to their audience.

Register it in affiliate systems in digital format in case some bloggers are interested in offering your book to their readers, they will take a commission for it.

Make an audiobook and sell it on  Audible.

Or you can use a large publisher, although this system will cost you a little more work.

More than a way to generate income from home, with this idea what we could achieve would be to create an asset that would generate passive income.

7. Paint house facades.

Probably many people do not want to spend money on painting the facade of their house, but ... what if you knock on the door of their houses and tell them that you are trying to save for university and that for $10 you give a paint review to facade?

This idea came to Dani, an 18-year-old boy from Jaén, and he claims that he can earn $ 40 a day if he works hard, since, according to him, he made an average of 4 facades a day for $10. It is clear that he was not selling like a professional painting, but the facades looked better than they were at first, and his clients were grateful.

8. Donate blood plasma.

Many people in the United States are turning to this way of making money, whereby donating blood plasma twice a week (or the maximum time allowed), some earn 250/300 dollars a month. Question of looking if you have this possibility of earning money in your country.

9. Make small furniture and recycled objects. Don't forget the crafts.

If you are a "handyman" and also creative, you can build all kinds of objects with all kinds of pieces that you find. People are paying $ 150 to $ 500 for items like the one in the photo. Lisa Frick, the creator of these objects, earns about $ 250 a week selling these products from recycled materials.

More ways to earn money from home and without any investment.

 10. Administration of Twitter and Facebook accounts.

We are talking about making money helping those small businesses or freelancers who do not have much time to give them visibility on the internet or get them a considerable number of followers.

It would be like the job of a Community Manager but focused on people who don't know what that word means. Sometimes we forget that there are many small entrepreneurs who have zero knowledge in technology matters, so they would not even know how to open a Facebook page for their company. For a small fee, I'm sure they would leave it up to you.

11. Get some money by participating in medical studies.

Many laboratories and Universities often need people for some study, where they pay around € 50. Some laboratories also want to test the side effects of a drug, and usually pay a little more for the days that the study lasts. As long as it does not pose a risk to your health, it is a good way to earn money collaborating with science.

12. Create an application.

If you have knowledge in this regard, you can create an application for iPhone and Android. If your application is very successful, perhaps they will buy it for you for 1,000 million dollars, although if you finally only have an extra income of 150 or 300 euros per month, it would not be bad, while you think about that other application of the million euros. However, we are not talking about a way to make money here. Rather, an app could lead you to create a very lucrative business.

13. Sell your photos to image banks.

There are many image banks where you get paid every time someone downloads or uses your photo. This way of making money is not fast, since it could take time to sell your photos, but it is another way. One of the most important image banks is Gettyimages. Of course, you must know perfectly the pros and cons of doing this. In this blog, the author makes a perfect summary of his experience on how to sell your photos on GettyImages.

14. Sell courses online.

If you are good at explaining a specific subject, you can make your own videos teaching others how to do what you understand, be it on the stock market, make a chair, teach programming, etc ... On platforms like Udemy, you can sell these courses. If your course is good and you are talking about a topic that is fashionable at the time, I only remember the case of the boy who made more than $ 120,000 in a few months selling his course on Udemy.

How to make an info product and how to sell it on the internet

15. Photographer for people, companies, and "contacts".

Photography is your thing? Both companies want to make a professional book of their business and for people who at a certain moment seek to make a photographic album. In the same way, as we have already commented on other occasions, the work of a contact photographer can be very profitable, where some women and men who advertise on the contact pages need professional photography, with its appropriate touch-ups.

16. Movie style wedding videos.

Since people want to feel like protagonists on their wedding day, why not make them a real movie? Title, soundtrack, credits, and dialogue in film form can create a before and after in the business of wedding video. Only great knowledge is required in video editing. If this is good for you, you will have an extra recurring income.

17. DropShipping. More than a way to make extra money, I would say it can be a good deal.

Sell ​​products without having to store them. We are only the intermediary. The customer buys a product from a company through us, and once the purchase is made, it is the company itself that sends the product to the customer's home.

We take a commission for it, without investing in the purchase of products or in the shipment of products. On more than one occasion I have been asked about reliable DropShipping sites to sell products from China.

In ForoBeta they made a summary with 70 Chinese sites to collaborate in DropShipping mode. I do not know the reliability of each and every one of them. We have talked about this business where we have exposed cases of people who have literally made millions with this business idea. In this article, we explained step by step how to create this business using Aliexpress.

18. Sale of homemade (organic) food for children.

Many mothers do not have time to prepare a proper meal for their children due to work, so your kitchen can become the supply of quality, homemade food for your building or neighborhood. Thus was born the Big Dipper, today, a great company.

19. Affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to earn full or part-time money.

If you have an Instagram account with a large number of followers, a blog with many visits, or a Facebook page with many fans, you can start choosing products from companies that offer you the possibility of making money with the sales made by users who buy through your link. There are many companies with affiliate systems, including Amazon, eBay, Aliexpress, Clickbank, etc 

More small business ideas to earn extra money in your spare time or weekends.

 20. Personal Trainer.

At your home or at the client's home you can earn money helping with the personalized training of a person who needs to lose weight or get fit. There are those who say that in Spain personal trainers are not well paid, but that is not true, as there are those who do not earn anything, there are those who earn little, and there are those who earn a lot of money.

The difference between one and the other? The same difference as in any profession: the personal image and the value that each one adds to the client. It depends on you whether it is just a way to make an extra income or a very lucrative business.

21. Yoga classes.

Yoga is in fashion and is increasingly in demand, so if you have space in your living room and the necessary knowledge, in a few hours a week you can make money with it. The same for other types of disciplines and teachings such as reiki, something that is very fashionable today. You can make money from home with this idea.

22. Coaching

Both a personal and professional Coach, today a great market can open as long as you are good at what you do and know how to make yourself known. This profession has emerged to the point that if you kick a stone you get 100 coaches, but the truth is that there are really good ones and there are really mediocre ones. If you are one of the good guys, without a doubt, you will do better. I know, I blurted out.

23. Blogs and Webs

We are not talking about creating an online store (which requires a lot of work), but making a corporate blog or a company's website can take very little time and is well paid. If you also require our services such as SEO or social media management and it is within our knowledge to be able to offer it, go ahead.

24. A YouTube channel.

Perhaps this way of earning money is more elaborate than the previous ones since it requires earning faithful visits, and luck may also play a role. You can make a channel for a subject that suits you well (cooking, finance ...) or even a humor channel, where if you are creative you can be very successful. Of course, from my own experience and from third parties, I already anticipate that making money with a YouTube channel can be a very long and tedious process. So much so that many people get frustrated before receiving the first payment. However, if you have a theme in which you can excel, go ahead.

25. Podcast.

If you are passionate about a topic and you think you have something to say that may interest thousands or millions of people, you can start podcasting and earn money with it, either by selling them or by putting them for free and charging for the publicity that visitors generate. . Without a doubt, a great way to make money.

How to make money from a podcast

26. Make money with Conduit

Conduit is a platform where you can create custom applications and toolbars. Every time an application is downloaded or the toolbar you created is installed, Conduit pays you.

27. Container diving.

Let's not call it "looking in the trash" because it would sound bad, but Rosa and Pedro de Córdoba say that 5 years ago, when they were university students, they lived in a university area and took advantage of the end of the season, when students left their apartments, to search in the containers what many did not take.

From shelves, clothes, books and all kinds of school supplies, and even sometimes televisions and computers that do not work, and that only have to be fixed. All of this was sold both in second-hand stores and on eBay. They claim that they have earned up to € 2,500 selling many of the products that the university students left when making the move.

28. LowCost Jobs

If there is something that you know how to do and that someone else would take an hour or two to do it while you do it in 10 minutes, there you have a business. For example, someone who has no idea about websites and blogs and needs to install a plugin or a simple share button. For € 5 I at least don't even think about it. Some bloggers are already starting to offer these services from 25 euros per job.

29. Virtual Assistant.

From your own home, you can help/collaborate/work with different companies. In some cases, they will turn to you for specific tasks due to overwork in the company. In other cases, they could offer you customer service, which is probably the service most demanded by companies when hiring a virtual assistant. Of course, you should know how to sell yourself for this type of work, but once achieved, it can bring you great benefits.

30. Sale of wool products and crafts at home.

It is not to fall into machismo, but this way of making money is the one chosen above all by women who know how to create gloves, wool hats, artisan sweaters, etc Without a doubt, a very chosen way among unemployed, housewives or women already withdrawn looking to generate extra income.

31. Express clothing arrangement.

Tomorrow, Sunday, I have a wedding and today Saturday I don't know who can fix the bottom of my suit pants. This service can be offered both from business premises and from your own home. For lovers of sewing, all you have to do is advertise properly on an ad page in your city or on Facebook. If people know what you do, they will most likely get in touch with you.

32. Childcare, seniors, or pets.

Especially for the care of the elderly and children, the secret is in trust, so creating excellent references and properly advertising yourself, even collaborating with companies that are constantly looking for babysitters or caregivers, is an excellent way to earn one-time or constant money. 

On the other hand, pet sitting is also spreading as the number of people who have pets grows, from taking the dog for a walk to taking care of it for a few days on business trips or vacations.

33. Superior errand service.

We will always find elderly people and people with a lack of time. Picking up suits from the dry cleaner, taking a package to the post office, bringing an old woman's purchase from the supermarket so that she does not gain weight. the truth is that some entrepreneurs have even known how to create a business around errands. If I remember correctly, I think there is already an application for it.

34. Freelance Writer.

Although it is one of the typical ideas that are usually given, the truth is that if you like to write, understand a subject and have your own seal of distinction when writing, you should not have problems finding different sites that are looking for writers to your means. By the way, this little job can catapult you to other great ways to earn money.

35. Part-time or full-time Data-Entry.

The millions of web pages on the internet are not only based on HTLM. Sometimes they need a lot of content, so the function of a Data-entry, among other utilities, is usually to load data into forms and databases.

You can also offer your services to make monographs and include them in any format. People who know typing and are able to write a very considerable number of words per minute are usually sought. Either it is charged by the hour, or by pages.

36. Design Logos.

If you are a creative person, today the logo design market moves a lot of money. There are a large number of sites where the company explains what it wants to achieve with a logo, and designers compete for the sale of its logo. Where can you immediately volunteer as a logo designer to earn extra money?

In, as a company, you can request a logo, and as a designer, you can sign up by following the lower tab.

37. Offer your services on Fiverr.

Fiverr is probably the largest freelance market in the world, where all kinds of services are requested. Although most of the offers are English, there is an increasing demand for Spanish. The jobs that are commissioned start at $ 5. From there, depending on the job, you can find interesting figures.

38. Sell your music on Envato.

Envato is just one of the many sites where if you are good at making music and background melodies for videos, you can make money selling your music, as well as other things you can sell.

At last say: If you think that I have left out there some way to earn money in your free time or while you are working and you want to share it, do not hesitate to leave it in a comment.

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