How To Make Money online from home

How To Make Money online from home

how to make money online from home
Make Money Online

More and more people are looking for information on ways to work from home to earn money, and with the Internet, the possibilities are increasing.

It is the dream of many, but not all get to achieve it. But those who fail do not do so for lack of skills, and not for lack of ideas.

The problems are various. The lack of perseverance and dedication, the lack of patience, etc. But, without a doubt, the main problem is that they start without really stopping to reflect and think about the best option.

Therefore, in this article, I will tell you about what I consider the 7 best jobs from home, and I will also tell you how to start making money working from home right away.

I am not going to talk to you about asking your boss to let you work from home, although of course, it is an option, I am going to focus on opportunities in which you are your own boss. And, honestly, I'm not going to tell you to fill out surveys either.

If you want a job from home that makes you earn $1000 a month, the surveys are for you, but if not, I advise you to continue reading the article and discover options that will really allow you to earn money and change your life.

I am not going to tell you that these are the only 7 ways to earn money online since surely there are hundreds. Of course, they are the ones that I consider best, especially to earn money from home. I take this opportunity to tell you that I would love to read your opinion in the comments at the end of the article.

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Which of the 7 jobs did you like the most?

How have your experiences been trying to earn money from home so far?


Without a doubt, one of the most fashionable options, and certainly my favorite. Creating your own blog is not difficult, and it is a great way to create an audience interested in what you have to tell.

In 2 steps, first buying a domain, which would be the name of your website, and then hiring a hosting, such as Webempresa, you would already have your website up and running. I started this blog almost 4 years ago, and it is a great way to pass the time and start working from home.

It is not easy to make money with a blogger, but you can do it if you dedicate yourself to it with passion. Personally, I think it's one of the best opportunities out there right now for someone wondering how to make money from home. You can earn money with advertising, selling courses, products, and services, with affiliation, and much more.

You will not need a sales or commercial team, you can do it yourself.

It is essential that you choose a theme that you like for your blog since it is something you will have to write a lot about.

For example, here I write about financial independence, saving, investing, and ways to earn money because it is a subject that has always interested me.

I don't get tired of writing about it, because in my daily life I don't get tired of talking about it. That is the key.

Choose something that you like, and is always willing to help others, and the benefits will come by themselves. A blog is a great way to get to offer your own products or to recommend other worthwhile products.


If you like to write, you have it very, very good to work from home and change your work life. Many work-from-home jobs are based on writing, and it's also in high demand.

You can dedicate yourself to writing articles for other websites or for your own. You can write a book and sell it on amazon, or even write books for others interested in hiring you.

For example, you can also work as a translator.

Of course, a job that is becoming very fashionable and which is also very well paid is Copywriter, the writing of specialized persuasive texts.

All these types of jobs would be freelance work, and you can find them in some of the web pages to work from home that you will find later in the article.

Or you can decide to do it on your own, and create your own website in which you offer your personalized services working as a business.


There are several pages, like Udemy or Tutellus, where you can promote your own training courses. sure you know how to do something that others would pay to learn, right?

Creating an online course to sell on Udemy, for example, is not very difficult, and it can generate passive income every month.

For example, this year 2019 I have decided to start creating courses to sell on Udemy. They will be courses on things that I have learned during my years on the Internet, like creating blogs or making videos for YouTube.

Here you can see the ones I have already created, for now, 5 in total.

Take, for example, this Udemy teacher. It has 74 courses created and more than 200,000 students. Surely he started with a course, like any other, but little by little he saw that this could be a fantastic way of working from home and living off the internet.

In fact, this teacher will have made a lot of money like that, and the good thing is that he has earned it completely passively.

Once you have your courses created and uploaded, your work is practically done. You help people learn things they need, and you make money doing it.

Earning money from home working is great, but if you can also generate a passive income that allows you to earn money without having to dedicate time, even better.


Membership is a very common way to earn money online from home. Basically, it consists of selling other people's products for a commission, and you can do it with almost any product.

You can do it through a web page, a YouTube channel, or any social network. The important thing is that you promote products that you believe in and that really benefits whoever buys them.

There are even people who create specific web pages to sell an affiliate product, especially to do it through Amazon, which offers commissions for each sale you make on their behalf.


There are more and more people with a virtual assistant. In fact, many of the best-known bloggers have a Basic, a virtual assistant is like a lifelong secretary but at a distance.

The functions of a virtual assistant can range from answering emails and calls to selling employer products and contacting people to seek partnerships.

When you have an online project there are many things that take time away from you, and there comes a point where you cannot face everything. That's where a virtual assistant comes in.

To give you an idea, I spend on average more than half an hour a day answering emails. I love it because I feel like I really help people, but imagine the number of emails multiplying by 10 overtime.

It will be impossible for me to be 5 hours a day answering emails, so the best option will be to hire a virtual assistant. You can work as a virtual assistant from home, even without meeting your employer in person. A computer is the only thing you need.

I think this is one of the best jobs from home to do if you want something that gives you money right now, something similar to a normal job in which you will be paid for each hour of work done.


If you like social networks and you spend the day in them, this may be your ideal job. A community manager is basically a public relations manager through social networks. All companies have community managers on their staff, and they can perfectly work from home.

The work is not complex, but doing it well has its secrets. An interesting option is to focus on lifelong companies that do not even have an internet presence. Go to the typical plumber or electrician who does not have a website and offer your community management services for a small monthly price. Or maybe focus on restaurants and bars. You could have many clients this way, and work from home comfortably.


The last way to work at home that I want to propose is to create an online store, sell your products online. Many people google work from home crafts, and in an online store, you can not only sell shirts or shoes.

If you are good at crafts, you could dedicate yourself to selling your own creations online, without having to leave your home other than to send the packages.

You can also decide on dropshipping, an online sales system without its own product that is very fashionable.

There are many more options to work from home and earn money, but I wanted to tell you only the ones that seem most interesting to me. Of course, everything will depend on your profile.

For example, if your thing is music, perhaps the best work from home for you is to compose music and sell it on specialized platforms.

If, on the other hand, you have no idea about the online world and you love children, you can also work at home babysitting or giving individual classes.

Something that is also becoming very fashionable now is being a digital nomad, and instead of making money from home, doing it from anywhere in the world. Tell me about your case in the comments, and I'll be happy to give you my opinion on something that fits you.


Working at home is great, honestly. I am a high school teacher, but I have been working from home on the Internet for years, and every time I like it more and I dedicate more time to it. This year I am part-time at the institute, and that gives me a lot of freedom. One of my favorite things about working from home is having a leisurely breakfast.

When I was working full time I would get up almost running, showering quickly and heading to work, almost on automatic pilot. I don't even know if I opened my eyes completely until I got to sleep work and how lazy I was. Working from home gives you freedom, allows you to define your own hours, and be the owner of all your time.

If one day I want to get up at 6 to work, I do it, and if one day I want to sleep until 9, I do it too. Of course, I enjoy both, because I choose them.

Nobody forces you to do something. If you do, it's because you want to. When you are your own boss, working is much more motivating, because the results you obtain are directly proportional to the effort you make.

For me, the best thing about working from home is the freedom, and not having to do something you don't want to do for 8 hours a day. It's not exactly financial independence, but it comes close.

If you are knowledgeable and professional, you can earn good extra money from the comfort of your home. I could say that I have already discovered how to make money from home, although I assure you that at first, it is not something easy.


Of course, not everything is good. Precisely, one of the positive aspects that I have mentioned is the worst thing about working from home.

Nobody forces you to do something.

Working for someone else is easy because you have a boss watching over you and forcing you to take your job, whether you feel like it or not.

But working from home, you don't have anyone to watch you, you don't have anyone to scold you if you waste your time.

Therefore, you have to be disciplined and constant, or else you will not really achieve anything. Earning money working from home is possible, but you will not achieve it by dedicating 10 minutes a week. It takes effort and dedication, especially in the beginning.

And it's always easier to turn on the TV than to get to work, so you have to have enough willpower to work when needed.

When you already have a system set up generating passive income, you will no longer need to work so hard, but to achieve that you have to dedicate a lot at the beginning.

I love working from home because if one day you don't feel like doing anything, nobody forces you. But you can't allow every day to be like this.

If you want to earn money from home, you will have to work some weekends, and if you offer your service to a client you will have to adapt to it.


 I could give you a lot of tips to be successful working from home. I could tell you to have an “office” at home and to set a work schedule. He could also tell you to turn off your cell phone and dress as if you were going to work in an office. But that doesn't have to work for you to earn money from home, honestly.

I don't have a schedule and I work in the dining room with music, and also I often do it in my pajamas. Why not? If you are looking for work from home that is like working in an office, why not go straight to an office?

I take my work at home as a hobby, and I think that's the best advice I can give you.

If you want to be successful in earning money from home, I think it is very important to do something that you like and enjoy doing it. Because if not, no matter how many rules you set yourself, it will be a drag and a normal job will almost be better.

The work from home that I have mentioned can earn you a lot of money, but it is like starting a business. You are not going to make money the first day, you have to lay the groundwork first. And to have the patience to make it work, it is essential that you choose something that you like. If you do something you don't like, you will quit before it pays you.

Another fundamental tip for having a job at home is that you have a list of things to do.

What difference does it make if you have a schedule if you have nothing to do? In the end, all you will do is waste of time. It is essential that you have a list of tasks, ordered by priority, and that when you get up in the morning you are clear about what you want to do that day.

Personally, I notice a lot of difference between the days when I am clear about what to do and those when I don't. In the first case, I work a lot, and in the second all I do is waste time. What I can tell you is that asking for a personal loan or doing rituals to attract money is not going to solve anything, that is clear to me.


 Freelancer. Software development offers, virtual assistant, marketing, accounting, among others.

Workana. Work from home related to programming and design, translation, marketing, legal, administrative support, and much more.

I am a Freelancer. Focused on programming, digital marketing, and community manager.

TextMaster. If you want to work writing this is a good option. Translation offers, article creation, web pages, etc.

Udemy. Platform to sell your online courses on many topics.

Tutellus. Similar to Udemy, page on which to promote your courses.

Fiverr. A page where you can sell your services from € 5.

Info jobs. The well-known page where you will find many jobs to do from home.

Fotolia. The website where you can sell your photographs.

Shutterstock. Similar to Fotolia.

Clickbank. Page to make money selling affiliate products.

There are many more websites where you can offer your services to work from home, but these are some of the most important and the best options. They are professional pages with very good conditions, perfect for people who want to work as a freelancer.


Let's get to the important thing, GO TO ACTION. Because if you don't start, you will never get anywhere. Surely you are thinking, okay, there are many jobs from home and I like many, but ... How do I start working from home? What do I focus on? My advice is that to start generating income from home, focus only on 1 option.

Do not try to start 3 things at once, choose ONE way that you find interesting and dedicate yourself to it. In addition, I advise you to choose something that you like, do not think only about money, but about having fun and enjoying yourself.

And I also advise you to be patient and try until you hit the nail on the head because it is very difficult to get it right the first time.

When you have a master form, diversify, and start a second job to generate more income and have more security. So far this article on different jobs to do from home, I hope you found it interesting.

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