Private University Rankings 2019

Private University Rankings 2019
Private University Rankings 2019


 Among the highest ten universities, all scored 60+ out of the utmost getable one hundred, whereas in 2017, a score of fifty six.47 was adequate for a prime ten spot

 Comparing this year’s ranking to 2017, the foremost obvious amendment is North South University’s ascension to best. The university had a lead within the sensory activity Score against Brac in 2017. This year, the margin has widened. whereas Brac has maintained its lead within the Factual Score, the broader lead within the sensory activity Score has enabled nonspecific urethritis to drag through.

NSU’s and Brac’s final score but, area unit terribly close—77.11 to 75.63. In 2017, Brac had a wider margin with seventy eight.95 to 71.13.

East West University, one in all the oldest and largest personal universities, jumped up to 3rd position, from last year’s seven. this is often due to a jump in its factual score.

One purpose of note is that once nonspecific urethritis, Brac and East West, come IUB, Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology, AIUB, Narcissus pseudonarcissus International University, United International University, Ulab and at last the University of Asia Pacific—in this order—and that they're an equivalent ten universities from the highest ten list in 2017.
Private University Rankings 2019

Among the highest ten universities, all scored 60+ out of the utmost getable one hundred, whereas in 2017, a score of fifty six.47 was adequate for a prime ten spot. this is often maybe associate degree indicator that the highest establishments have cemented their position.

The remaining ten universities in prime twenty scored between fifty and fifty nine (rounded). within the prime ten class, Narcissus pseudonarcissus International University and UIU went up by 3 and one place severally, and also the others went down by one to a few places. within the next ten class (11-20), International monotheism University city created its thanks to eleventh position despite being enclosed within the ranking for the primary time.

Among the others, inexperienced University of Asian nation created the largest jump, going eight places up; followed by Southeast University and BUBT, moving up by seven and 6 notches severally, principally due to an enormous increase in their individual factual scores.

Among the others, Stamford University Asian nation and Manarat International University knowledgeable about positive amendment.

The analysis was conducted another time by Org-Quest analysis restricted in association with Dacca apse and Bangla apse.

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