Affiliate marketing earn money online

 Affiliate marketing earn money online

affiliate marketing earn money online

Affiliate marketing is a digital and easy way to get a product online. The first thing that comes to mind when discussing how to make money online is affiliate marketing. Before discussing affiliate marketing, we will try to clear the marketing issue for you. 

Then I will do my best to give you a clear idea of ​​what affiliate marketing is, why, how to do it, and how to make money online from affiliate marketing at home.

Before we started writing about today's post, that is, about affiliate marketing, I read many posts about affiliates on the internet in Bengali and English blogs/websites for about an hour. After my research, I saw that most of the Bengali blogs have copied and pasted the contents from different English blogs directly through the Google Translate tool. 

And a few blogs have written nicely about this or tried to give a clear idea. However, in all the writings, the authors have repeatedly presented a simple matter like affiliate marketing in a complex way. After reading many blog posts, it seems to me that not every writer takes the matter lightly. 

They all write in such a way that it is a very difficult and complicated subject. But affiliate marketing is a very simple and normal thing.

After reading the above paragraph, do not take the issue of income as normal by affiliate marketing. Because I said affiliate marketing is very simple but making money is not easy. No one can earn money without skills, experience, and hard work from anywhere on the internet or offline, or in a real-life workplace. 

And those who work hard at something are successful. Here, in the case of affiliate marketing, you need to make money with your talent, skills, and labor. One thing you need to keep in mind is that success and money can never be earned without labor in any work in the world. If someone shows you a tempting way to make easy money from affiliate marketing or any other online medium without hard work, never believe it.

I told you earlier that you need to understand marketing before you understand what affiliate marketing is. Because affiliate marketing is a part of marketing. I will first clear the marketing issue to make it easier for you. Then we will discuss in detail.

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What is marketing?

First of all, don't compare marketing online. Think about it offline and think for yourself what is marketing and how is the product marketed? Marketing is usually about buying or selling goods. Marketing is the process of marketing or selling the products that you have in different ways.

What is affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing is the buying and selling of online-based products. But you don't have to go deep into this. It is easy to understand that affiliate marketing is the percentage of commission earned from the products sold or delivered to the buyers through the sale of various products of the company or organization related to the purchase and sale of products online. 

This means that the company will give you different products and you will sell those products to the customers through link sharing. Finally, the company will pay you a 10% - 15% commission on the total price of the product you sell. In fact, this is what affiliate marketing is all about for you and me.

Now the question may arise in your mind, how do I get the products of different companies? You will not be given any product here. You will register on the website of a company. After registration, you will be given a completely unique Url. 

Then you can click on all the products that you want to promote and take a different URL for each product. Then you will continue to reach those links to the buyers. When a buyer buys a product by clicking on your link, he will pay a percentage commission from the price of that product. Basically, this process is called affiliate marketing.

How to start affiliate marketing?

You may have already read Upper Friendly and various blogs and learned that thousands of dollars can be earned by affiliate marketing. You heard right. If you work hard using your skills and expertise, you too can earn thousands of dollars a month by doing affiliate marketing online. Before we discuss how to get started with affiliate marketing, let me clear you up.

The main function of affiliate marketing is to deliver the product to the buyers through the promotion and dissemination of the product. I am trying to make the matter clearer with an example. Suppose you have a contract with a company in real life that you will take a hundred different types of products from the company and you will sell them. 

In return, the company will pay you a commission of 15% on every fifteen sales. In this case, what are the methods you will use to deliver those one hundred products to the buyers? You will reach out to buyers in a variety of ways and highlight the good side of the product. This will make the buyer more attracted to your product.

I am making the matter clearer through another example. You may have seen the promotion of different types of company's products in different hands and markets in the village. In this case, it is seen that the promoters of the desired product in a market first gather people by playing different songs. 

When people gather at one stage of music, it highlights the good aspects of their products. As a result, promoters can easily sell many products.

In the same way, the product that you take from different websites online, first you have to think about how you can get that product to the customers. You can do this in a variety of ways. If you have a website or blog, you can create reviews of those products on that blog and share the product link to reach the buyers on the company's website. 

You can also encourage buyers to purchase products by sharing links on various social media sites, including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and email. But no matter what method you use, you have to have a lot of popularity in every case. Even if there is no popularity in the beginning, you have to gain popularity through work.

Which is the best platform for affiliate marketing?

There are millions of companies for affiliate marketing. There are some good quality companies that have a lot of products and they pay commission to the marketers at a good rate. Below are some of the best affiliate companies that you can work for a long time to earn money.

  • ShareASale Affiliates.
  • Amazon Associates. (Most Known)
  • eBay Partners.
  • Shopify Affiliate Program.
  • Clickbank.
  • Rakuten Marketing Affiliates.
  • Leadpages Partner Program.
  • StudioPress Affiliate Website.

How to make more income?

First of all, in order to earn money, you must be patient and work hard for a long time. Then gradually success will be in your hands. However, there are some techniques that need to be adopted to increase income through affiliate marketing. Generally, people can easily increase their income by working on the products that people buy more online. 

If you prefer things that are in demand offline but in low demand online then you cannot be successful or profitable by affiliate marketing. For this, you can easily earn more money by reviewing the links of the products that are in great demand online.

However, I would like to clarify another thing that if the content of your blog or website is in English, there is a possibility of increasing income. Because the people of Bangladesh do not buy any product to be online till now. 

So if you do affiliate marketing by blogging in Bengali, the chances of success are very low. In this case, if you can do affiliate marketing with the product that is in demand by sharing the article in English, you will be able to earn more money in a very short time.

Our advice about affiliate marketing:

Create your own blog or website before you start working. If you want to create a blog for free, you can create a blog with Google Blogger. However, after the design and sorting of the blog is completed, you will set a top-level dot com or dot net domain. Then you will continue to create reviews of the product that you know about. 

When 15/20 posts of the blog are done, start working on the SEO of the blog. Because without SEO, it will not be possible to get a lot of traffic to the blog. And to get your product to the buyers, the blog will definitely need visitors. The more visitors to your blog, the more sales your product will have.

Moreover, if you are very popular on Facebook pages, Facebook groups, Facebook Messenger groups, Twitter, YouTube channels, WhatsApp chat messengers, and other social media, then you can also promote your product by sharing your blog link and direct product link. But whatever you do, you have to work hard to increase success and income. Otherwise, it will not be possible to earn income without hard work.


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