The Prophet Muhammad

The Prophet Muhammad 

(570-630 AD)

Brief Introduction:

If nothing had been created by this great earth, nothing could have been created by the greatness of which millions of earths have been blessed; The unwavering faith and love of God, the purity of the heart, the greatness of the soul, patience, power, honesty, humility, kindness, chastity, security, generous spirit, uprightness, generosity, and strict duty were those whose character was enlightened; Who was the father of all affection as an orphan, loving as husband, affectionate as father, faithful as companion; He was a successful businessman, visionary reformer, justice, great politician, Prophet Muhammad sallallhu alaihi oyassallma. He emerged at the base of the world at a time when the political, economic, social, cultural, moral and religious status of Arabia had fallen to the extreme of degeneration.


On August 29, 570 AD, 12 Rabiul Awal Rose was born on Monday morning to the womb of Mother Amena in the Quraish tribe in the city of Mecca. According to conventional ideas, he was born in 570 AD. Renowned historian Montgomery Watt used 570 volumes in his book. However, it is difficult to find out his actual date of birth. Moreover, there is no reliable evidence that Muhammad (peace be upon him) made any comment. 

That is why there is widespread disagreement over this. There are widespread disagreements even with birthdays. For example, according to one description, he was born on the 20th or 22nd of 571. The findings came out in the studies of Syed Solaiman Nadevi, Salman Mansurpuri and Mohammad Pasha Falaki. However, from the historical point of view the above is more reliable. However, the elephant war took place in the year of the Prophet's birth, and there is no disagreement over the 40-year anniversary of Emperor Naraswar's ascent to the throne. 5 months before his birth, his father Abdullah died. 

According to the traditions of the then aristocratic family of Arabia, he was entrusted with the responsibility of nurturing and maintaining his wife Bibi Halima of the tribe of Bani Saad. At that time, Bibi Halima had another son whose milk drinking period was not over yet. Bibi Halima explains: 'Baby Muhammad only used to breastfeed my right breast. Even if I wanted to give him milk on my left breast, he would never drink milk from my left breast. 

He would give my left breast milk for his other nephew.' In his childhood, he showed great ideals of justice and equality. For only 5 years she was under the care of stepmother Halima. Then Mother returned to Amena's house. At the age of 6, he accompanied Mother Amena to Medina for his father's burial, and on his return from Medina, he died at the 'Abawa' place. 

Then Yatim Muhammad (PBUH) was entrusted with the care of his grandfather Abdul Muttalib and uncle Abu Talib. The greatness of the greatest of the worlds has appeared as the mercy of the whole universe; He is the one who is born of the orphan and through the agony of suffering he becomes a truthful, benevolent, and trustworthy.

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Childhood and adolescence

It was the custom of the Arabs at that time to grow up in the freezing weather of the desert and give it to the Bedouin women who were tasked with breastfeeding soon after birth to create a healthy body and tidy up and return it after a certain time. According to this custom, Mohammed was also handed over to Halima bin Bin Abu Zu'ib (another name, Halima Sadia). 

After bringing the baby home, it is seen that Halima's comfort comes back and she is able to nurture her son properly. One such incident is notable - Baba Mohammed only drank one of Halima's breasts and left the other for his other milk brother. After two years of rearing, Halima returns the baby Mohammed to Amina. But soon thereafter an epidemic broke out in Mecca and the baby Muhammad was restored to Halima. Halima also wanted to get the baby back. It fulfilled his hope. According to Islamic belief, these are a few days

Soon after, a miracle happened - one day the baby Prophet's chest was cut out and a piece of collagen was washed in water in a frozen well and placed in the right place. This phenomenon is known in the history of Islam as Sina Chak.

After this incident, Halima returned Muhammad to Amina. He spent with his mother until he was six years old. This time Amina wishes to take the boy to Madinah. This was probably the reason for meeting a relative and raising her husband's grave. Amina's son, son-in-law and maid took Um Aymon along the 500-kilometer route to Madinah. He spent a month in Madinah. 

A month later, on his way back to Mecca, he came to a place called Arwa where he became seriously ill and died there. After the death of his mother, grandfather Abdul Motaleb arrived in Mecca with his baby Muhammad. From then on, Dadai took care of Muhammad. Mohammad's grandfather died when he was 8 years 2 months 10 days old. Before his death, he entrusted his son to Abu Talib as Mohammad.

Abu Talib was a businessman and traveled to Syria once a year according to Arab rules. When Muhammad was 12 years old, he planned to go to Syria with his uncle. Due to intense compassion, Abu Talib could no longer forbid. Upon arriving at Basra on the way, Abu Talib, along with a caravan, camped. At that time, Basra, the capital of the Occupied Rome of the Arabian Peninsula, was in many ways the best. It is said that there was a Christian priest in the city, Georges Samm, better known as Buhira or Bahira. 

He came out of his church and made guests at the caravan. At this time he saw the boy Muhammad and identified him as the last prophet. When the Battle of Fujjar began, the Prophet was 15 years old. He himself participated in this war. He was deeply hurt by the brutality of the war. But he had nothing to do. From that moment he started thinking of doing something.

Pre-Prophetic Life

An organization called Hillful Fujul was established to suppress the violence, fame and revenge existing among the Arabs. Muhammad joined it and was instrumental in advancing the organization. Various sources suggest that Muhammad had no such profession at a young age. However, many people mention that he used to graze goat. The goats he usually grazed were those of the tribe of Bani Sa'ad. In exchange for a few kirat remuneration, he used to feed goats of different people living in Mecca. He then started a business. 

Within a short time, Muhammad achieved great success in solitude. He became so famous that he became the title of Al Amin and Al Sadiq, whose Bangla meaning is faithful and truthful, respectively. He visited Syria, Basra, Bahrain and Yemen several times on business occasions. When Muhammad's fame spread around, Khadija Bint Khwailid informed him and requested him to go on business trip. Muhammad accepted this offer and went with the Khadija product to Basra in Syria.

Khadija was overwhelmed to hear the praises of Muhammad's honesty and righteousness in the face of Maishara. He also became aware of his ability to see the success of the business. At one point he decided to marry Muhammad. He spoke to his girlfriend Nafisa Binte Munbahir about her marriage. Upon hearing of Nafisa, Muhammad said that he would communicate with his parents. Muhammad agreed to the marriage by talking to his uncle. 

At the time of marriage, Khadija was 8 and Muhammad was 25. During the lifetime of Khadija, he was never married. In Khadijah's womb, Muhammad's 3 children were born out of which 7 were girls and 2 were sons. Their names are Kasem, Yaynab, Rukaiya, Umm Kulsum, Fatima and Abdullah respectively. Both boys and children died in infancy. All of the girls get Islamic age and embrace Islam and all except Fatima die in the lifetime of the Prophet.

When Muhammad was 35 years of age the necessity of rebuilding the Ka'bah house arose. For a number of reasons, the renovation of the Kaaba House began. The old building was demolished and new construction was started.

Thus, during the rebuilding, the hazard arises only when the construction of Hazar Aswad (sacred black stone) is finished. Basically the tribe was curious as to who would do this. The construction was divided into all tribes. But establishing Aswad was one of the tasks. The dispute over who to set up began, and for four or five days at a time when the dispute continued, it became so severe that it was possible to kill. In this case Abu Umayyah Makhazumi sets out a solution that everyone will accept the decision of the first one who enters the mosque in the morning the next day through the gates of Haram. The next day, Muhammad first entered the Ka'bah. 

Everyone was satisfied and accepted him as a judge. And everyone had good faith in him. Whatever the responsibility, Muhammad decides very well. He laid a sheet on it and put it in his hand and called the leaders of each tribe to take them to different places of the sheet and they did so. Then he picked up the stone and placed it in a certain place.

Receiving Prophecy

At the age of forty-one, Prophet Muhammad of Islam got the Prophethood, that is, at this time the Creator sent revelation to him. The most reliable information about prophethood is found in the description of Aj-Zuhari. According to the Hadith mentioned in the Zuhri, the Prophet is inspired by the philosophy of truth. When he was thirty years old, the Prophet often spent meditation in the Hera Cave, near Mecca. His wife, Khadija, used to give him food regularly. 

During such a meditation, the angel Gabriel brought him the revelation sent by God. Gabriel tells him to read the phrase:
"Read, in the name of your Lord, Who has created. Created man from frozen blood. Read, your Lord is the Most Merciful, who taught with the pen, taught people what he did not know. "
In reply the Prophet said that he did not know how to read, in which Gabriel hugged him and applied a heavy pressure and asked him to read the same line again. But this time, Muhammad also expressed his own failure. After being pressed three times in this way, Muhammad was able to read the line. The first verse of the Quran is revealed; The first five verses of Surah Alaq. 

After the first landing, the Prophet became so frightened that when he entered his planet with trembling, he asked Khadija to give him a blanket. Repeatedly, "Cover me." Khadija fully believed in the Prophet's words and accepted him as a prophet. To overcome the fear, Khadija went to his cousin, Waraka bin Naufel, to take Muhammad. Knophel called him the last prophet. 

The Prophet gradually recovered. Then wait for the next revelation. After a long break, the revelation came to him a second time. This time some verses of Surah Muddassi are revealed. Since then, Muhammad has secretly engaged in propagating Islam. This Islam was an ideal system sent to change lives completely. So the way to establish it was very friendly. It is in this adversity that the Prophet's Mecca begins.

Makki life

After the revelation came down, the Prophet realized that to establish it, he would have to stand up as an opponent of the entire Arab society; Because there was no other way to propagate and establish Islam without destroying the fear of the then leadership. Therefore, he first started spreading the word of Islam secretly among his relatives and friends. Khadijah was the first to accept Islam at the call of Muhammad. 

Ali became a Muslim, then a cousin of Muhammad, and Ali, who was raised in his home, was only 10 years old when he converted to Islam. In order to convey the message of Islam the Prophet holds a meeting with prominent people of his family; No one has accepted his ideology in this meeting; only one person accepts Islam in this meeting, that is Ali. The third person to embrace Islam was Abu Bakr, the intimate friend of the Prophet. Thus, at the first stage, he started preaching Islam. And this preaching continues in complete secrecy.

Public invitation

After three years of secret invitations, Muhammad began preaching Islam publicly. Such propaganda

The beginning was quite dramatic. The Prophet stood on Mount Sinai and shouted to all the people. He then publicly stated that there is no god except Allah, and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. But all of them became furious against him and from this time conspiracy and persecution against Islam started.

Mecca faces opposition

Oppositionists began to oppress on several levels: first provocations and provocations, followed by propaganda, bigotry and logic. At one time an attempt to disarm the Islamic Movement began, with a negative front to succeed. At the same time, the literary and pornographic fronts were developed, and even at one stage the Quraish tried to compromise Muhammad. But Muhammad did not accept it; Because the condition of compromise was to observe Islam as it was, the goal of establishing its Islam would have been lost.

Exodus to Ethiopia

Gradually, when violence against Muslims became extreme, the Prophet sent a number of Muslims to emigrate to Abyssinia. From there, the Quraish tried to bring back the Muslims, though it was not successful because of the Nazis, the then Emperor of Abyssinia.
Important people accept Islam

After that, one of the important events in the history of Islam is the adoption of Islam by Umar ibn al-Khattab. The Prophet always wanted that at least one of Abu Jahel and 'Umar embraced Islam. His desire for it is fulfilled. Because of Umar's special influence in Arab society, his adoption of Islam made the propagation of Islam a bit easier, though the difficult part was still being considered a major. Thereafter, the Prophet's uncle Hamza accepted Islam. The Muslim sovereignty of the Arabs in the adoption of his Islam was established to some extent.

The situation at home

Thus, while Islam was moving at a slow pace, the Quraish of Makkah seized and captured the entire Banu Hashim tribe, including Muhammad (pbuh) and his followers. After being detained for three years, they were released.

Years of grief and passing taif

But the year after his release was a year of grief for Muhammad. Because his wife Khadija and uncle Abu Talib died in such a short period of time this year. In times of distress, the Prophet became very frustrated about the spread of Islam in Mecca. 

Frustrated, he left Mecca and went to Taif to propagate Islam (though there are differences on the date of Taif's departure). But when he preached Islam there, he was subjected to ultimate humiliation, anger and ridicule. Even the people of Taif send their teenagers behind Muhammad (pbuh); They bleed the Prophet with brick and stone. But still he did not give up; The newly started thinking of possibilities.

M'Raz is the ascension

At that time, something auspicious happened. In Islamic commentary, Muhammad went to Mosque Mosque in Makkah one night and went to the Masjidul Aksa in Jerusalem; This is known in the history of travel as ISRA. It is said that he descended from the Masjid al-Aqsa in a special janah and gained intimacy with the Great Creator, and also visited all the places of the universe, including heaven and hell. This journey is known in history as M'Raj. It is said that no one on earth ever lived during this whole journey.

Exodus to Medina

Then another happy event happened. Some people in Madinah embraced Islam because of their enthusiasm for Islam. They originally came to do Hajj and got invited to Islam. They swear to Muhammad at the place called Aqab that they will protect the Prophet at any time and work to spread Islam. These oaths are known as the oath of Akbar. 

It was through these oaths that the atmosphere of Islam was established in Madinah, and at one time the leaders of the 12 tribes of Madinah sent a delegation and invited Muhammad (peace be upon him) to Madinah. In Medina and Yasserrib long before 620, the tribes and others fought against the Jews. All the tribes are involved in the war, especially in the Battle of Buach

Naya causes a lot of bleeding. From this the people of Madinah were able to understand that the principle of blood transfusion could no longer apply. That's why they need a leader who can unite them all. It was from this thought that they invited Muhammad, although many of the invitees still did not embrace Islam. 

On this invitation the Muslims emigrated from Mecca and moved to Madinah. Finally, Muhammad and Abu Bakr emigrated to Medina in 122 AD. On the day of their emigration, the Quraish planned to assassinate Muhammad (peace be upon him), though it did not succeed. This is how the Makkah era ended.

Madani's life

Leaving their own tribe and joining other tribes would have been impossible in Arabia. But that is not the case with Islam, because in this case, the bond of Islam would be considered as the best bond to the Muslims. This gave rise to a revolutionary thought in the then era. The counting of days begins from the year of the emigration to the Islamic calendar. That is why AH is mentioned at the end of the Islamic calendar year which means: After Hijra.

Establish an independent state and form a constitution Muhammad went to Medina as an intermediary and ruler. The two main parties that emerged at the time were Aos and Khazraj. He performed his duties well. All the tribes of Madinah signed the historic Medina Charter, which marked the first constitution in the history of the world. Through this charter, all bloodshed was declared forbidden among Muslims. Even through this the state policy was formed and a sense of accountability was created among all the tribes. 

Aus, both tribes embraced Islam. There are also mainly three Jewish tribes (Banu Kainuka, Banu Kuraiza and Banu Nadir). A total of eight tribes, including these, signed the treaty. By this treaty, Medina was established as an independent state and Muhammad (peace be upon him) became its head.

Conflict and war with Mecca

Soon after the establishment of the state in Madinah, its relations with Makkah continued to worsen. The Quraish of Mecca continue to fight for the destruction of the state of Madinah. Muhammad (peace be upon him) came to Madinah and was at the forefront of making peace by establishing a treaty with all the surrounding tribes. 

But the Quraish of Mecca stocked the property of all expatriate Muslims. In this state, in 1205, Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) sent an army of eight soldiers to tie up a commercial convoy in Mecca. Because the caravan was trying to procure weapons in the name of trade. The Quraysh succeeded in guarding their caravan. But it calls for war to avenge this effort. In this defensive war, Muslims conquered even a third of the Quraish in terms of troops. This war is known as the Badar war, which took place on March 7, 126 AD. According to Muslims, Allah helped Muslims in this war. However, it was from this time that the armed history of Islam began. Then on 24 March 1920, the Uhud war took place. 

The Muslims were defeated in the first, but in the end they were able to enter Madinah as conquerors. Despite the victory, the Quraysh entered Mecca on the verge of defeat because of a last-minute policy weakness. In 1201 Abu Sufyan attacked Madinah with another group of Quraish. But this time, the Muslims were defeated in the battle of Khandak. Encouraged by the victory of the war, the Muslims became an influential force in Arabia. As a result, Muslims were able to influence many tribes in the neighborhood.

Relations with the Jews of Medina

But at that time, the Jews living in Medina posed a threat to the Islamic State. Originally the Jews did not believe that a non-Jew could be the last prophet. That is why they never followed the ideals of Islam and when they understood the power of the Islamic State, they realized the need to use force against it. Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) invaded a Jewish tribe after each war. After the Battle of Badr and Uhud, the tribe of Banu Kainuka and Banu Nadir were expelled from Medina; And after the trench, all Jews were expelled from Medina. Muhammad (peace be upon him) mentions two causes of this Jewish animosity, one being religious and the other political. If you think religiously, it was a punishment for not accepting the last Prophet, even in the Book of Allah. And politically, the Jews were a threat and a weak point for Medina. That is why they are expelled.

The Treaty of Hudaibia

Muhammad sallallhu alaihi oyassallma became the President of the Islamic Republic. Here he is proof that he is a forward-looking and successful politician. The Charter of Medina brought radical changes in civilian life and unity was established in the political field. The worldly Prophet (peace be upon him) did not establish Islam by the sword but by generosity. When the people of the group started to embrace Islam, fascinated by the conduct, speech, honesty and generosity of his and the newly-born Muslims (the Companions of the Prophet), jealousy and enmity erupted in the Quraysh leaders. On the other hand, some traitors of Madinah secretly conspired against Islam and Muslims, unable to bear the authority of Muhammad sallallhu alaihi oyassallma. 

Muhammad (peace be upon him) was forced to use the sword to resist the betrayal and conspiracy of the disbelievers. As a result, many wars took place, including the historic Badr, Uhud and the Khandak, and almost all of these wars were conquered by the Muslims. Bishwanabi sallallhu alaihi oyassallma served as the commander-in-chief of a total of 27 wars. With the help of 1400 unarmed companions in the sixth Hijri in 627 AD, Muhammad sallallhu alaihi oyassallma left Mecca to visit the Motherland and observe Holy Hajj. But on the way interrupted by the Quraish forces, a treaty was signed between the two sides, known as the 'Hudaibiyyah Treaty' in the history of Islam. It was also mentioned in the terms of the treaty that 

  •  Muslims will return this year without collecting the Umrah.
  •  Will come to Hajj next year, but will not be able to stay in Mecca for more than 3 days
  • If an unbeliever goes to Medina as a Muslim without the permission of his parents, he must return to Mecca. On the contrary, if a person escapes from Medina to Mecca, he will not be returned.
  • From the very beginning Muslims who are living in Mecca cannot be taken to Medina with anyone.
  • The various tribes of Arabia will have the freedom to connect with both parties (Muslims and disbelievers) with whom they wish.
  • The relationship between the two sides in peace and security during the term of the treaty
  • Can continue. 

Moreover, the Quraysh representative, Suhail bin Amr, demanded that the words "Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim" and "Muhammad Rasulullah" be deducted from the treaty. But the author of the treaty, Hazrat Ali (RA), refused to accept it. Finally, in the wake of the objection of Suhail bin Amr, the Prophet (peace be upon him) cut the sentences of 'Bismillahir Rahmani Rahim' and 'Muhammad's Messenger of Allah' into his own hands and instead ordered Suhail bin Amr to write 'Bischimika Allahumma'. 

So, outwardly, the treaty was disgraceful to the Muslims, but it brought many opportunities and benefits to Muhammad sallallhu alaihi oyassallma. Through this treaty the Quraishites recognized Muhammad's political entity as an independent entity. Under the terms of the treaty, non-Muslims have the opportunity to freely engage with Muslims. As a result, non-Muslims began to realize the great message of Islam and started to accept Islam in groups. Immediately after this treaty, Muhammad (peace be upon him) sent letters to different states and invited many of them to Islam.

Send letters to different governors

The Prophet (pbuh) was sent as a messenger around the world. Therefore, it was his duty to spread the call of Islam everywhere on earth. After the Hudaibiyya treaty, he was assured of the Quraysh and other Arab tribes and engaged in this work. The major rulers of the world at that time were the Roman Empire of Europe, the Holy Roman Empire, the Persian Empire of Asia, and the Habsha Empire of Africa. In addition, Egypt's 'Aziz Mukawakis', the head of Yamama, and the Gassanian ruler of Syria were also very prolific. So at the end of the sixth Hijri month of Zilhaj, the same day, six messengers were sent to him with the call of Islam.
List of apostles sent
  • Dahiya Kalbbi (R) to the Roman Emperor Caesar.
  • Abdullah bin Huza'af (RA) to the Persian Emperor Pervez.
  • Hatib bin Abu Bulta (RA) to the ruler of Egypt.
  • Amr ibn Umayyah (RA) to King Najjashi of Habsar.
  • Salit bin Umar bin Abde Shams (RA) near the head of Yamamah.
  • Wahab Asadi (Sh) in Shujaibn to Haris, the Gusani ruler.
  • None of the rulers accepted Islam except King Najasis.

Conquest of Mecca

Only ten years after the ten-year Hudaibiyah treaty broke. The tribe of Khwaja was an ally of the Muslims, while their enemy, the Bakr tribe, was the ally of the Quraish. At night, the tribe of Bakr attacked the Khwaja. The Quraishis unjustly supported the goat tribe with weapons in this attack. In some narratives, some Quraish youth also participated in the attack. After this incident, Muhammad (pbuh) sent a letter to the Quraish with three conditions and asked the Quraish to accept any of the three conditions. The conditions are three;
The Quraysh will avenge the bloodshed of the Khosa tribe.
Or they will declare their alliance with the tribe of Bakar.
Or it will declare that the Treaty of Hudaibia has been abolished and the Quraish are ready for war.
The Quraysh reported that they would accept only the third condition. But the Quraysh soon realized their mistake and sent Abu Sufyan to Medina as an ambassador for renewing the treaty. But Muhammad (pbuh) rejected the Quraysh proposal and started preparing for the invasion of Mecca.

In 630 AD, Muhammad (pbuh) departed for Makkah with a large force of ten thousand disciples. That day was the eighth Hijri, the 10th of Ramadan. Mecca prevailed without any disruption, and Muhammad (pbuh) entered the conquest. He declared a general pardon for the people of Makkah. However ten men and women were out of this capacity. 

They reviled Islam and Muhammad (pbuh) in various ways. However, some of them were later forgiven. Upon entering Mecca, Muhammad (peace be upon him) first arrived at Kabaghar and destroyed all the idols there. Most of the Makkahs embraced Islam after seeing the Muslims' admiration and were impressed with the forgiveness of Muhammad (pbuh). The events of this victory have been especially discussed in the Qur'an.

After the conquest of Mecca

In the Mecca from which the worldly Prophet (peace be upon him) was deported, he came to victory today and announced a general pardon to the people of Makkah. On the day of the conquest of Mecca, Hazrat Oram Farooq (RA) arrested Quraish leader Abu Sufyan and presented it to Muhammad (PBUH). But he forgives even his long-time enemy. This great example of forgiveness is still rare in the history of the world. Today the victory flag of Islam is flying in Mecca. The reign of all wrongs, untruths, exploits and oppression is gone forever.

According to 631 AD, in ten Hijrah, Muhammad (pbuh) performed a farewell Hajj with millions of Muslim soldiers and at the end of Hajj gave a final speech of life in front of about 1,14,000 companions in the vast plain of Arafat, which is known as' Farewell Hajj speech in the history of Islam. In the farewell address of Hajj, the world-renowned human rights certificate announced today is unparalleled in the history of the world. He announced in a glowing voice

(1) O friends, remember this day, this month, this month, and this holy city, as holy to you as it is holy, the life of all of you, your wealth, blood, and your dignity are close to you. Never interfere with others unfairly.
(2) Remember that wives have the same rights over you as you do.
(3) Careful, the worker will pay his / her due remuneration before the sweat is dry.
(4) The person who eats the stomach while his neighbor is hungry cannot be a true Muslim.
(5) Do not be cruel to servants. Give them what you eat, what you wear Will allow them to wear it (worth it).
(6) In no case shall the orphan's property be absorbed. In this way, he presented many human rights statements. He is a man of good character, the only example of mankind and sent as the mercy of the universe.

World Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH), during his 23 years of propaganda, transformed an uncivilized and barbaric nation of Arabia into a civilized and orderly nation. He made radical reforms in the fields of political, economic, social, cultural, etc. Citing the traditional ethnic differences in the political arena, he declared, 'Arabs on Anarb and Arabs on Arabs; There is no difference between whites on blacks and blacks on whites. 

Rather, that person is better than you. "He declared interest in the economy completely forbidden, and through a zakat-based economy, he established a system where every citizen of the state secured their financial security. Women had no dignity and rights in the social field. The worldly Prophet (peace be upon him) established the nation of women in the seat of highest dignity, declaring 'the heaven of the child in the feet of the mother.' 

He declared that freeing the slave was good worship. In religious matters where idolatry, fire worship and worship of various objects corrupted the lives of Arabs, he established the unity of God. He founded a crime-free society and state system where there was no harassment, harassment, chaos, exploitation, oppression, injustice, adultery, interest, bribery, etc.

Main article: The death of Muhammad sallallhu alaihi oyassallma Bye Bye Bye By Hajj On the 11th of Hijri, Muhammad sallallhu alaihi oyassallma was suffering from fever. The heat was also felt on the turban due to the high temperature. He prayed eleven days for prayers even when he was ill. After the illness became severe, he stayed in the room of Aishah with the permission of all his wives. 

He had seven or eight dinars, and he donated them one day before he died. It is said that the illness was caused by eating poisoned food made by a Jewish woman from Khyber. A. His Excellency 12 Rabiul Awal, died on June 7, 632, at the age of 63, according to 11 Hijri. He is the last prophet and messenger. Until the Day of Judgment, no prophet will appear at the base of the earth. He was 63 at the time. Ali (R) gave him a bath and wore a shroud.

 He was buried at the place where he died after the funeral of Ayes (RA). The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has said to the entire Muslim nation, "I left two things for you. As long as you hold these two things together, you will not go astray. One is the Book of Allah, the Quran, and the other is my Sunnah. The Prophet (peace be upon him) was not just a man of the age, but he was the greatest man of all time.

Not only the historian William Moore, almost every human being who has appeared in the earth, has left his precious words about the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) on earth. The Holy Qur'an says, "The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) is a good example for you" (Surah Ahazab, Ayat 21).

In today's world of turbulent, chaotic and conflicting world, it is undoubtedly possible to establish a world of peace and a free society without following the motto of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).
The miracles of Muhammad (sa) in Islamic descriptions

Attraction to the exception is human in nature, while on the other hand the influence of miracles extends far beyond our physical life. The meaning of the word 'mu'za' in Arabic is supernatural, miraculous. Among the numerous muja'ahs of Muhammad [sa], the number of public muja'ahs is more than ten thousand. Interpreters discuss Muhammad's Mujahideen in three parts:

The first is that which is beyond his body. Namely - lunar bifurcation, tree approaching, eats and deer complaints.

The second is that of his body, namely, 'Mahare Nabuwat', which was written between the two shoulders until the death of Allah's Apostle Mohammed. Thirdly, his moral and characteristic qualities - fearless, unobtrusive, generous, truthful, worldly, etc.

In the Qur'an of Al-Qur'an, the moon is divided by the fingers of Muhammad (pbuh). On the day before the Battle of Badr, Muhammad [pbuh] said, "This is the place of martyrdom of such a person, it is the place of killing of the kafir (disbelievers) ... The Companions said:" Rasulullah! The place for which the Prophet (peace be upon him) has shown, has not been the slightest. '

Which is the help of Allah and the Prophet! This is the proof of the Mujahideen of the Prophet (peace be upon him). Hadrat Saad bin Abu Waqqas (ra) said: "On the day of the battle of Oudh, I am the Messenger of Allah! To the right of the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam I saw two people in white dress (Gabriel, Mikail) whom no one else had seen. (Bukhari, Muslim) The Prophet's broken leg Rasulullah! It is another miracle to be good at the touch of the Prophet (peace be upon him). 

When the companion of Abdullah bin Atiq (RA) broke his leg, he was the Messenger of Allah! Allah's Messenger (told the Messenger of Allah! Sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam raised his hands to his feet. The companion said: "It made my feet healed so that I never got into it. (Bukhari) Priyanki Rasulullah to be content with eating less than a thousand people! One of the notable mu'zzahs of the Prophet (peace be upon him). 

Many disciples have described many such incidents. Rasulullah during the battle of the trench! When all the companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) became restless and weak in hunger, Jabir slaughtered a goat's baby and made a small quantity of bread of bread, with which everyone ate. 

The Prophet (sws) swore by Allah: "Even after everyone was consumed with contentment, the meat was burnt in the oven and bread was being eaten." (Bukhari, Muslim)
Do You love Prophet Mohammad sallallhu alaihi oyassallma


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