Emotional intelligence skills are improve

Emotional intelligence skills are improve

Emotional skills to raise

Remember the tagline of "Toler-Stronger-Sharper"? This tagline was first used in an advertisement for Horlicks. At that time, I thought I would be much wiser than the four-story Riyadh playing the Magavarti Horlicks! As age grew, these strange thoughts surrounding Horlicks began to fade away. There was a show on the National Geography Channel in class Eight or Nine, which was called "Brain Games.
Brain games used to show a lot of interesting information about mental abilities. It would seem, then, that to be efficient, a lot of wood would probably need to be burned.
Shortly after I took home the internet connection. From then on I started the Brain Skills with Brain Skills. Starting from WikiHow to YouTube, from there to Quora, sometimes paper or magazines - I searched everywhere to find what the brain needed to be efficient. And the funny thing is, the thing is but not too hard. There are so many things around us that we can easily wrap our brains around.

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(Source: Freepik)

1. Anything but exercise

Anything but exercise

When reading physical education books, I always thought, "What are these benefits? Are these really going to work? "But now I realize that there is a lot to learn from those books. So, if you are asked which topic is most emphasized in the book of physical education? "But maybe everyone will say in one sentence" exercise. "Yes, really. 

This exercise is good for the body as well as for the brain. In the early morning, a little exercise stimulates our brain neurons. They are reinforced at the moment. Even meditation, like meditation, is very helpful in improving the ability of the brain.

At times, it may seem that exercise is only current for Bibo's people in the dream of Six Pack, and it seems that such activity may not work for mental health at all, and this idea is totally wrong! Although our brain is no longer like those 5 muscles, our brain can benefit from regular exercise. 

Through exercise, we improve our cognitive health. Everyday bodybuilding stimulates the cells in our brain. As a result, our brain's blood transport activities are accelerated. Bodybuilding enhances our mental ability by making new neurons in the brain.

2. Train the brain

Train the brain

Do we easily forget the phone numbers of known people? Hard things like paperwork numbers, public exam registration numbers, phone pattern lock or passwords are all in mind, but why not remember to read the night before the exam? 

The reason is that - lack of mental ability. According to scientific research, when we look at an object daily, no matter how big or small, our brain quickly becomes familiar with that object, and we cannot forget it even if we want to. 

In this way, anything related to that object comes into our mind's mind and our mental capacity is quickly increased. So hopefully you have already understood the way to improve mental skills in the field of study.

In the language of science, it is called Visualization / Chunking. Visualization is the process of visualization and number memorization is essentially chunking. Every time we look at an object or article in front of our eyes, our brain's visualization capabilities will continue to increase and we will be able to remember those objects as quickly and easily.

3. Musical craftsmanship


The two drum sticks in the two hands, the bass drum on one leg and the double high hats on the other leg - yes, just a few bits of the body is just a little bit impossible to move on with the music. But as easy as it is to say, is it really that easy? Not at all. 

Just like right-handed writers can't write left-handed if they want to, drums can't be played properly when so many hands and feet move. But are these musicals superhuman? Once again, not at all. Playing musical instruments is also a great strategy for improving mental skills. 

Nowadays many are playing guitar, some are pianos, and others are Kahn-drums-flute. To play these instruments, we have to concentrate most of our brains. This results in faster brain performance increased mental capacity
As many of you may know, our brain is divided into 2 parts - one is the right hemisphere and the other is the left hemisphere. Now the work of these two parts is in a completely opposite fashion. How about the right hemisphere in our brain controls the left side of our body, and just like the left hemisphere in our brain controls the right part of our body.

For those who are right-handed, the left hemisphere of their brain is stronger, as is the right hemisphere for the left-handed. In order to improve brain efficiency, we need to work on strengthening the two parts of our body equally. 

To play a musical instrument, we need to keep our two hands in parallel. So using two-handed instruments like a musical instrument can help us improve our brain skills.

4. Get the puzzle together.


Do you know why little children are buying toys from Lego Block? Lego toys have a specialty, each LEGO can be paired with the other. Various objects can be shaped by adding a few LEGO blocks. Young children have thousands of imaginations in their heads. When the LEGO appears in front of them, they want to put the LEGO pair into the reality of their imaginary toy car.

As young children, surely we will not be too busy to wear a Lego pair. However, various puzzles, be it sudoku or crossword, can be useful to enhance mental skills. Every day, almost every one of the daily magazines gives all kinds of puzzles. Just like puzzles like sudoku help to be skillful in mathematics, puzzles like crosswords will help your brain think differently. Your mental skills will increase all the time.
Art illustrator 

Scientists often do thousands of studies on mental skills. Sometimes they review the activities of healthy people's brains, sometimes with people with mental imbalances, in a society known as "crazy." According to Japanese researcher Yoshiro Tsutsumi,
"Improving mental skills is not a difficult thing, but a few daily tasks will make people much more efficient than others."

Here are some easy ways to improve your mental ability -
  • Enrich vocabulary or vocabulary knowledge. Reading books is one of the best ways to improve your mental ability. But the truth is, many of us do not have time to read books in crowds. So while it is not possible to dive into the realm of the book, we can increase our mental ability by increasing the vocabulary of the language in our brain.
  • To avoid short-time memory wall swabs, more visualizations need to be done.
  • Daddy was once a fever pillow medicine" - With this shortcut, we remember the names of the Mughal emperors periodically, didn't we? Shortcuts are another easy way to improve your mental ability. When we try hard to remember a memory, the shortcut will work very well. There is no pair of shortcuts to improve the ability of the brain to beat all the hard stuff.
game of improving mental skills
  • Have a fun game of improving mental skills. After reading this post, you can predict something that will result in the next 24 hours. It could be a football match, a school exam or a box office ranking of your favorite movie. 
  • Some of this kind of prediction develops our brain's imagination, while the rest is to mentor our mental health skills. According to psychologist Judy Willis, “If you are right, you will have a feeling of success. And if you make a mistake, your brain will be able to write its conclusion and you will learn something new. ”
improving mental skills

The whole thing about improving mental skills depends on focus or focusing on something. Our little brain can hold the same information on thousands of computers. But there are only a few steps needed to make this brain efficient. Hopefully, writing will be a great help in boosting mental skills.

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